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学位: 博士




1. 2002920066月,买球的app排行榜前十名推荐,热能与动力工程专业,学士

2. 2007920106月,买球的app排行榜前十名推荐,制冷与低温工程,硕士

3. 2010920186月,买球的app排行榜前十名推荐,供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程专业,博士


1. 201810至今,买球的app排行榜前十名推荐,买球的app排行榜前十名推荐劳动卫生与环境卫生系,教授,硕士/博士生导师

2. 201310201410月,香港大学,机械工程系,国际室内空气质量与气候学会ISIAQInternational Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate)品牌国际学术会议“Indoor Air 2014”会议秘书;访问学者

3. 200904201003月,美国德克萨斯大学,工程与计算机科学学院,访问学者



1. 环境健康:室外空气污染与室内环境污染对出生缺陷、过敏感染等相关疾病影响;

2. 气候变化:气候变化(如全球变暖)/极端气候(如热浪、寒潮)的健康效应;

3. 早期暴露:生命早期(孕期+出生后早期阶段)环境/气象暴露与儿童健康风险

4. 环境毒理环境与气象暴露相关健康效应的分子学机制研究


1. 硕士、博士研究生招收方向:劳动卫生与环境卫生学、卫生毒理学、流行病与卫生统计学等专业全日制硕士、博士研究生(学硕、专硕)

2. 博士后:2023年开始招生。

3. 博士研究生:现有在读全日制博士生1

4. 硕士研究生:现有已毕业全日制研究生6(其中2名留学生);在读全日制研究生8名。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42277432,空气污染与食物过敏原早期暴露对儿童第二波过敏性疾病的影响研究,2023/01/01-2026/12/3154万元,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,42007391基于“时空行为模式”环境污染早期暴露对儿童过敏与感染性疾病影响研究2021/01/01-2023/12/3124万元,结题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金中瑞国际(地区)合作与交流项目818611380052018/01/01-2021/12/31300万元,结题,主持子课题60

4. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目2021JJ30813基于“时空行为模式”室内外环境污染早期暴露对儿童过敏与感染影响研究2021/01/01-2023/12/315万元,结题,主持

5. 买球的app排行榜前十名推荐特聘教授科研启动项目,环境与健康方向,2018/10/15-2023/10/14120万元,结题,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41977369,母亲孕期压力与空气污染暴露对儿童早期认知与行为健康影响研究,2020/01/01-2023/12/3160万元,结题,参与(排名第二)

7. 湖南省科技厅2020年度湖南省创新型省份建设专项抗击新冠肺炎疫情项目2020SK3001,新冠肺炎(2019-nCoV)在湖南感染风险预测与控制,2020/01/01-2021/12/3160万元,结题,参与

8. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2020JJ4388气候变化情景下湖南省温度对死亡风险与疾病负担的影响研究2020/01/01-2022/12/315万元,结题,参与(排名第二)

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21777193不同来源颗粒物生命早期暴露与儿童过敏及呼吸系统感染队列研究2018/01/01-2021/12/3165万元,结题,参与(排名第五)

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51576214颗粒物人体传输动力学行为、器官剂量分布规律与健康效应研究2016/01/01-2019/12/3160万元,结题,参与(排名第五)

11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51178466城市通风及其改善城市热岛效应与空气质量研究2012/01/01-2015/12/3160万元,结题,参与(排名第三)



1. 2023年 湖南省普通高校教师教学创新大赛“课程思政组”二等奖(排名第三)

2. 2023年 买球的app排行榜前十名推荐创新教学设计大赛一等奖(排名第三)

3. 2021年 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会IEHB2021“优秀墙报奖”

4. 2021年 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会IEHB2021“人气墙报奖”

5. 2020" Indoor Air 2020" Best Poster Award(最佳墙报奖)

6. 2013 国家博士研究生奖学金

7. 2012 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会“优秀学生论文”奖


1. 指导学生刘沁获得2023年度“卢惠霖教育奖励金优秀学生奖”

2. 指导研究生李琴获得 2022-2023年度“研究生国家奖学金”

3. 指导研究生刘紫荆获得 2023年首届高层次应用型公共卫生人才培养项目—腾讯奖学金

4. 指导研究生刘紫荆获得 2022-2023年度“三诺”三等奖学金

5. 指导研究生刘沁获得 2022-2023年度“三诺”二等奖学金

6. 指导研究生兰孟菊获得 2023年全国大学生健康科普大赛院内推荐赛二等奖

7. 指导研究生刘紫荆获 2020年全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖

8. 指导研究生邓苗苗、廖宏森获得 2021年中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会IEHB2021“优秀墙报奖”

9. 指导研究生邓苗苗、廖宏森获得 2021年中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会IEHB2021“人气墙报奖”

10. 导研究生邓苗苗获得 2020年 国际会议"Indoor Air 2020" Best Poster Award(最佳墙报奖)


1. 研究成果得到中央电视台、全球著名新闻媒体ScienceDailyBussiness Insider等报道。发表论文多次被国际权威学术新闻媒体引用报道:(1)《Business Insider商业内幕》: Child's death certificate 'the first in the world' to list air pollution as a cause (Dec. 18, 2020 Business Insider),世界第一例因空气污染导致哮喘发作而死亡的儿童;(2)《Business Insider商业内幕》: The US does not have the worlds cleanest and safest air, as Trump has claimed (Sep. 17, 2019 Business Insider),美国没有特朗普总统宣称的“世界上最洁净与最安全的空气”;(3)《Business Insider商业内幕》: Air pollution kills more people each year than smoking (Jun. 6, 2019 Business Insider),空气污染比吸烟杀死的人更多;(4)《Business Insider商业内幕》: What air pollution does to your body and brain? (Sep. 26, 2018 Business Insider),空气污染对身体与大脑做了什么?;(5)《ScienceDaily每日科学》: Kids living near major roads at higher risk of developmental delays (Apr. 9, 2019 ScienceDaily),居住在主要道路附近的儿童发育迟缓风险较高(唯一参考文献)。

2. 研究成果得到美、欧、德、荷兰、新西兰、罗马里亚及我国等十余位院士在《柳叶刀》等许多国际顶尖期刊报道与高度评价。学术成果入选8个国际共识文件、国际组织官方文件或国家指南,包括:(1)美国科学-工程-医学科学院共识研究报告《海湾战争与健康》(《Gulf War and Health》(2018));(2)世界过敏组织WAO《空气污染致过敏性鼻炎国际专家共识》(2020);(3)世界百余位专家共同主笔的《过敏与鼻炎国际共识声明》(2018);(4)美国胸科学会ATS官方文档《室外空气污染与呼吸道疾病》(Outdoor air pollution and new-onset airway disease2020));(5)国际呼吸学会联盟FIRS官方报告《空气污染与非传染性疾病》(2019);(6)国际中耳炎学会ISOM官方报告《低收入国家与弱势人群中耳炎和相关听力损失》(2020);(7)意大利儿童学会《儿童急性中耳炎预防指南》(2019);(8)土耳其耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学会《过敏性鼻炎的诊断与治疗指南》(2021)等。

3. 学术成果入选多个国家政府政策,包括:(1)美国纽约城市议会发布的《确保我们的未来:纽约城市战胜气候变化策略》(Securing Our Future: Strategies for New York City in the Fight Against Climate Change. New York City Council. March 2020.);(2)德国劳动经济研究所IZA发布的《温和杀戮处方:低排放区儿童从出生到上学健康》(Killing Prescriptions Softly: Low Emission Zones and Child Health from Birth to School. IZA Institute of Labor Economics. May 2021);(3)美国环境法研究所发布的《减少烹饪污染暴露:改善家庭空气质量的政策和实践》(Reducing Exposure to Cooking Pollutants: Policies and Practices to Improve Air Quality in Homes. Environmental Law Institute, Washington DC. April 2021)。

4. 多篇发表论文受到期刊主编好评、提前发表,其中博士期间发表的 4 篇论文为期刊Environmental Research2015年来“最高被引”论文(Most cited article)、1 篇论文被期刊Journal of Dermatological Science主编选为(Editor's Choice)当期“亮点论文”(Highlight)、1 篇论文入选全球高被引(ESI 1%)。成果得到了许多国际权威院士与专家在国际顶尖期刊,如LancetNature Climate Change、美国胸科学会旗舰期刊American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine、欧洲呼吸学会会刊European Respiratory Journal等高度评价与大篇幅正面报道。受邀参加世界卫生组织WHO组织的哮喘疾病负担调查并制定未来十年研究对策。


1. 撰写国际学术专著一本(第13章节),IET, The Institution of Engineering and Technology出版(为欧洲规模最大的国际专业学会),出版地:英国伦敦。

Chan Lu, Jing Li, Qihong Deng. Ventilation and Health. Handbook of Ventilation Technology for the Built Environment —— Design, control and testing. 2021. The Institution of Engineering and Technology Chapter 13. 2021/12/01


1. 立项国家团体标准1项(排名第二):《幼儿园儿童呼吸系统疾病预防指南》


发表学术论文110余篇(其中23IF>10);以第一或通讯作者身份发表学术论文53篇(其中IF>10 论文14篇,JCR一区论文43篇(一区率85%),科学通报2篇);以学生第一或主要作者身份发表SCI论文13篇,其中JCR一区论文9篇。主要发表论文如下:

1. Chan Lu #,*, Mengju Lan #, Lin Wang, Ying Jiang, Bin Li, Faming Wang. Interaction of life-time and early-life exposure to antibiotics and indoor environmental factors on childhood plant allergy. Building and Environment 2024, 254: 111405 (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

2. Chan Lu #,*, Lin Wang #, Ying Jiang, Mengju Lan, Faming Wang. Preconceptional, pregnant, and postnatal exposure to outdoor air pollution and indoor environmental factors: Effects on childhood parasitic infections. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 912: 169234 (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=9.8, 中科院一区)

3. Chan Lu *, Lin Wang, Hongsen Liao, Bin Li, Qin Liu, Qin Li, Faming Wang *. Impacts of intrauterine and postnatal exposure to air pollution on preschool children's asthma: A key role in cumulative exposure. Building and Environment 2023, 245: 110874 (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

4. Chan Lu #,*, Faming Wang #, Zipeng Qiao, Miaomiao Deng, Qin Liu, Xu Yang. Extreme temperatures exacerbated oxidative stress and airway inflammation in a mouse model of allergic asthma. Allergy 2023, 00: 1-3. DOI: 10.1111/all.15883. (JCR Q1, Top 1%, IF=12.4, 中科院一区)

5. Chan Lu #,*, Wenhui Yang #, Mengju Lan, Bin Li, Faming Wang. Effects of intrauterine and postnatal exposure to meteorological factors on childhood pneumonia. Building and Environment 2023, 244: 110800. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

6. Chan Lu #,*, Qin Li #, Zipeng Qiao, Qin Liu, Faming Wang. Effects of pre-natal and post-natal exposures to air pollution on onset and recurrence of childhood otitis media. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 459: 132254. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=13.6, 中科院一区)

7. Chan Lu *, Hongsen Liao, Lin Wang, Qin Li, Qin Liu, Faming Wang. The role of meteorological parameters on childhood asthma: Identifying critical windows of susceptibility during pregnancy. Building and Environment 2023, 243: 110668. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

8. Chan Lu *, Faming Wang #, Zijing Liu, Bin Li, Wenhui Yang, Hongsen Liao. Intrauterine and early postnatal exposure to air pollution associated with childhood allergic rhinitis. Chemosphere 2023, 336: 139296. (JCR Q1, IF=8.8)

9. Chan Lu *, Wenhui Yang #, Faming Wang #, Bin Li, Zijing Liu, Hongsen Liao. Effects of intrauterine and post-natal exposure to air pollution on children’s pneumonia: Key roles in different particulate matters exposure during critical time windows. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 457: 131837. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=13.6, 中科院一区)

10. Chan Lu *, Faming Wang #, Qin Liu, Miaomiao Deng, Xu Yang, Ping Ma. Effect of NO2 exposure on airway inflammation and oxidative stress in asthmatic mice. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 457: 131787. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=13.6, 中科院一区)

11. Chan Lu, Xin Zhang, Qin Liu, Qin Li, Dan Norbäck, Qihong Deng *. Effects of timing of complementary food introduction on childhood food allergy development: A modified role of ambient air pollution exposure. Building and Environment 2023, 231: 110065. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

12. Chan Lu #,* Qin Liu #, Miaomiao Deng, Hongsen Liao, Xu yang, Ping Ma. Interaction of high temperature and NO2 exposure on asthma risk: In vivo experimental evidence of inflammation and oxidative stress. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 869: 161760. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=9.8, 中科院一区)

13. Hongsen Liao #, RG Murithi #, Chan Lu *, Wenhui Yang, Zijing Liu, Lanqin Cao. Effect of outdoor air pollution on gynecological tumors: Interactions by temperature and diurnal temperature variation. Building and Environment 2023, 230: 109989. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

14. Xin Zhang #, Chan Lu #, Yuguo Li, Dan Norbäck, Padmini Murthy, Radim J. Sram, Qihong Deng *. Early-life exposure to air pollution associated with food allergy in children: Implications for 'one allergy' concept. Environmental Research 2023, 216: 114713. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

15. Chan Lu, Zijing Liu, Wenhui Yang, Hongsen Liao, Qin Liu, Qin Li, Q Deng *. Early life exposure to outdoor air pollution and indoor environmental factors on the development of childhood allergy from early symptoms to diseases. Environmental Research 2023, 216: 114538. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

16. Zijing Liu #, Qi Liang #, Hongsen Liao, Wenhui Yang, Chan Lu *. Effects of short-term and long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and temperature on long recovery duration in COVID-19 patients. Environmental Research 2023, 216: 114781. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

17. Chan Lu #,*, Qin Li #, Zijing Liu, Hongsen Liao, Wenhui Yang, Qin Liu. Preconceptional, prenatal, and postnatal exposure to home environmental factors and childhood otitis media. Building and Environment 2023, 228: 109886. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

18. Chuansha Wu #, Yunquan Zhang #, JingWei, Zhuohui Zhao, Dan Norbäck, Xin Zhang, Chan Lu, Wei Yu, TingtingWang, Xiaohong Zheng, Ling Zhang *. Associations of Early-Life Exposure to Submicron Particulate Matter With Childhood Asthma and Wheeze in China. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5(10): e2236003. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=13.8, 中科院一区)

19. Chan Lu, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, Chen Huang, Xin Zhang, Hua Qian, Juan Wang, Wei Liu, Yuexia Sun, Dan Norbäck, Qihong Deng *. Interaction effect of prenatal and postnatal exposure to ambient air pollution and temperature on childhood asthma. Environment International 2022, 167: 107456. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=11.8, 中科院一区, ESI高被引)

20. Chan Lu #,* Wenhui Yang#, Zijing Liu, Hongsen Liao, Qin Li, Qin Liu. Effect of preconceptional, prenatal and postnatal exposure to home environmental factors on childhood pneumonia: A key role in early life exposure. Environmental Research 2022, 214: 114098. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

21. Chan Lu #,* Zijing Liu #, Hongsen Liao, Wenhui Yang, Qin Li, Qin Liu. Effects of early life exposure to home environmental factors on childhood allergic rhinitis: Modifications by outdoor air pollution and temperature. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2022, 244: 114076. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=6.8)

22. Chan Lu #, Fang Xiao #, Dan Norbäck, Xu Yang, Yinping Zhang, ..., Qihong Deng *. Long-term exposure to mould/damp stains and mouldy odour increases low birth weight. Building and Environment 2022, 222: 109418. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

23. Xiaoli Fu, Chan Lu *, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, Chen Huang, Xin Zhang, Hua Qian, Juan Wang, Wei Liu, Yuexia Sun, Dan Norbäck. Effect of prenatal and postnatal exposure to home renovation on the risk of common cold in preschool children. Indoor Air 2022, 32: e13063. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=5.8)

24. Yingying Jiang #, Chan Lu #, Jing Chen, Yufeng Miao, Yuguo Li, Qihong Deng *. Happiness in university students: Personal, familial, and social factors: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19: 4713. (JCR Q2, IF=4.614)

25. Chan Lu #,*, Hongsen Liao #, et al. Association between early life exposure to indoor environmental factors and childhood asthma. Building and Environment 2022, 226: 109740. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

26. Chan Lu, Zijing Liu, Hongsen Liao, Wenhui Yang, Qin Liu, Qin Li, Q Deng *. Interaction of exposure to outdoor air pollution and temperature during pregnancy on childhood asthma: Identifying specific windows of susceptibility. Building and Environment 2022, 225: 109676. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

27. Wenhui Yang #, McSherry Brownel Johnson #, Hongsen Liao, Zijing Liu, Xiangrong Zheng, Chan Lu *. Combined effect of preconceptional and prenatal exposure to air pollution and temperature on childhood pneumonia: A case-control study. Environmental Research 2022, 216: 114806. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

28. Yanlin Liu, Miaomiao Deng, Duo Zhang, Chan Lu *, Shaoyou Lu *. Effect of preconception, prenatal and postnatal exposure to ambient air pollution on laryngitis in southern Chinese children. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022, 10: 830106. (JCR Q2, IF=4.6)

29. Chun-Liang Zhou #, Ling-Shuang Lv #,*, Yi-Jun Xie, Wen-Jun Ma, Jian-Xiong Hu, Chun-E Wang, Yi-Qing Xu, Xing-E Zhang, Chan Lu *. Temperature change between neighboring days contributes to years of life lost per death from respiratory disease: A multicounty analysis in central China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19: 5871. (JCR Q2, IF=4.614)

30. Yingjie Liu #, Chan Lu #, Yuguo Li, Dan Norbäck, Qihong Deng *. Outdoor air pollution and indoor window condensation associated with childhood symptoms of allergic rhinitis to pollen. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19: 8071. (JCR Q2, IF=4.614)

31. Yanlin Liu, Chan Lu *, Miaomiao Deng, Dan Norbäck, Shujie Sun. The effect of prenatal and early-postnatal exposure to classical air pollution on childhood pneumonia in China. Indoor and Built Environment 2022, 31(1): 170-185. (JCR Q2, IF=3.6)

32. Qian Xu, Chan Lu *, Rachael Gakii Murithi, Lanqin Cao *. Increase associated risk of gynecological cancer due to long-term exposure to high concentration of atmospheric SO2 industrial pollutant. Indoor and Built Environment 2022, 31 (8): 2183-2192. (JCR Q2, IF=3.6)

33. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck *, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Onset and remission of eczema at pre-school age in relation to prenatal and postnatal air pollution and home environment across China. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 755 (Part 1): 142467. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=9.8, 中科院一区)

34. Lu C #, Peng W #, Kuang J, Wu M, Wu H, Murithi RG, Johnson MB, Zheng X *. Preconceptional and prenatal exposure to air pollution increases incidence of childhood pneumonia: A hypothesis of the (pre-) fetal origin of childhood pneumonia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021, 210: 111860. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=6.8)

35. Chan Lu, Miaomiao Deng, Dan Norbäck, Zijing Liu, Rachael Gakii Murithi, Qihong Deng *. Effect of outdoor air pollution and indoor environmental factors on small for gestational age. Building and Environment 2021, 206: 108399. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

36. Xiangrong Zheng, Jian Kuang, Chan Lu *, Qihong Deng, Haiyu Wu, Rachael Gakii Murithi, Mcsherry B. Johnson, Wang Peng, Maolan Wu. Preconceptional and prenatal exposure to diurnal temperature variation increases the risk of childhood pneumonia. BMC Pediatrics 2021, 21: 192-199. (JCR Q2, IF=2.4)

37. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck *, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Furry pet-related wheeze and rhinitis in pre-school children across China: Associations with early life dampness and mould, furry pet keeping, outdoor temperature, PM10 and PM2.5. Environment International 2020, 144: 106033. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=11.8, 中科院一区)

38. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck *, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Common cold among young adults in China without a history of asthma or allergic rhinitis - associations with warmer climate zone, dampness and mould at home, and outdoor PM10 and PM2.5. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 749: 141580. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=9.8, 中科院一区)

39. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck, Yuguo Li, Deng Q *. Early-life exposure to air pollution and childhood allergic diseases: an update on the link and its implications. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 2020, 16: 813-827. (JCR Q2, IF=4.4)

40. Wenwen Zhang, Yuguang Xiang, Chan Lu, Cuiyun Ou, Qihong Deng *. Numerical modeling of particle deposition in the conducting airways of asthmatic children. Medical Engineering and Physics 2020, 76: 40-46. (JCR Q3, IF=2.2) 期刊亮点论文(Editor’s choice

41. Chan Lu, Weishe Zhang, Xiangrong Zheng, Jingchi Sun, Lv Chen, Qihong Deng *. Combined effects of ambient air pollution and home environmental factors on low birth weight. Chemosphere 2020, 240: 124836. (JCR Q1, IF=8.8)

42. Chan Lu #, Lanqin Cao #, Dan Norbäck , Yuguo Li, Jing Chen , Qihong Deng *. Combined effects of traffic air pollution and home environmental factors on preterm birth in China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 184: 109639. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=6.8)

43. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Sources of indoor particulate matter (PM) and outdoor air pollution in China in relation to asthma, wheeze, rhinitis, and eczema among pre-school children: Synergistic effects between antibiotics use and PM10 and second hand smoke. Environment International 2019, 125: 252-260. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=11.8, 中科院一区)

44. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yiping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Onset and remission of childhood wheeze and rhinitis across China Associations with early life indoor and outdoor air pollution. Environment International 2019, 123: 61-69. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=11.8, 中科院一区)

45. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Juan Wang , Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, …, Qihong Deng *. Asthma and rhinitis among Chinese children Indoor and outdoor air pollution and indicators of socioeconomic status (SES). Environment International 2018, 115: 1-8. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=11.8, 中科院一区)

46. Chan Lu, Yufeng Miao, Ji Zeng, Wei Jiang, Yongming Shen, Qihong Deng *. Prenatal exposure to ambient temperature variation increases the risk of common cold in children. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2018, 154: 221-227. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=6.8)

47. Wei Jiang #, Chan Lu #, Yufeng Miao, Yuguang Xiang, Lv Chen, Qihong Deng *. Outdoor particulate air pollution and indoor renovation associated with childhood pneumonia in China. Atmospheric Environment 2018, 174: 76-81. (JCR Q1, IF=5.0)

48. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yiping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, Chen Huang, Xin Zhang, Hua Qian, Yuexia Sun, Jan Sundell, Juan Wang, Wei Liu, Qihong Deng. Lifetime-ever pneumonia among pre-school children across China Associations with pre-natal and post-natal early life environmental factors. Environmental Research 2018, 167: 418-427. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

49. Qiong Zhong, Chan Lu *, Weishe Zhang, Xiangrong Zheng, Qihong Deng *. Preterm birth and ambient temperature: Strong association during night-time and warm seasons. Journal of Thermal Biology 2018, 78: 381-390. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=2.7)

50. 路婵, 胡旭, 缪玉峰, 姜伟, 向宇光, 邓启红*. 生命早期环境污染暴露增加儿童过敏与感染风险. 科学通报 2018, 63: 954-967. (EI A, 核心期刊)

51. Qihong Deng *, Linjing Deng, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Yuguo Li, Dan Norbäck. Parental stress and air pollution increase childhood asthma in China. Environmental Research 2018, 165: 23-31. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

52. Xiangrong Zheng, Weishe Zhang, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Dan Norbäck, Qihong Deng *. An epidemiological assessment of the effect of ambient temperature on the incidence of preterm births: Identifying windows of susceptibility during pregnancy. Journal of Thermal Biology 2018, 74: 201-207. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=2.7)

53. Chan Lu, Linling Deng, Cuiyun Ou, Hong Yuan, Xiang Chen, Qihong Deng *. Preconceptional and perinatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and eczema in preschool children. Journal of Dermatological Science 2017, 85: 85-95. (JCR Q1, IF=4.6) 期刊亮点论文(Editor’s choice)、期刊高被引

54. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Yuguo Li, Lv Chen, Yanrong He, Jan Sundell, Dan Norbäck. Association between prenatal exposure to industrial air pollution and onset of early childhood ear infection in China. Atmospheric Environment 2017, 157: 18-26. (JCR Q1, IF=5.0)

55. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Wei Jiang, Jinping Zhao, Linjing Deng, Yuguang Xiang. Association of outdoor air pollution and indoor renovation with early childhood ear infection in China. Chemosphere 2017, 169: 288-296. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.8)

56. Yufeng Miao, Yongming Shen, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Ji Zeng, Qihong Deng *. Maternal exposure to ambient air temperature during pregnancy and early childhood pneumonia. Journal of Thermal Biology 2017, 69: 288-293. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=2.7)

57. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yiping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, Chen Huang, Xin Zhang, Hua Qian, Jan Sundell, Qihong Deng *. Common cold among pre-school children in China associations with ambient PM10 and dampness, mould, cats, dogs, rats and cockroaches in the home environment. Environment International 2017, 103: 13-22. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=11.8, 中科院一区)

58. Ji Zeng, Chan Lu (论文主要作者), Qihong Deng *. Prenatal exposure to diurnal temperature variation and early childhood pneumonia. Journal of Thermal Biology 2017, 65: 105-112. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=2.7)

59. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Yichen Yu, Yuguo Li, Jan Sundell, Dan Norbäck. Early life exposure to traffic-related air pollution and allergic rhinitis in preschool children. Respiratory Medicine 2016, 121: 67-73. (JCR Q2, IF=4.3)

60. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Yuguo Li, Jan Sundell, Dan Norbäck. Exposure to outdoor air pollution during trimesters of pregnancy and childhood asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema. Environmental Research 2016, 150: 119-127 (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4) 期刊高被引、ESI 1%高被引

61. Chan Lu, Qihong Deng *, Yuguo Li, Jan Sundell, Dan Norbäck *. Outdoor air pollution, meteorological conditions, and indoor factors in dwellings in relation to sick building syndrome (SBS) among adults in China. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 560-561: 186-196. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=9.8, 中科院一区)

62. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Cuiyun Ou, Lv Chen, Hong Yuan. Preconceptional, prenatal and postnatal exposure to outdoor and indoor environmental factors on allergic diseases/symptoms in preschool children. Chemosphere 2016, 152: 459-467. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.8)

63. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Dan Norbäck, Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Yinping Zhang, Weiwei Liu, Hong Yuan, Jan Sundell. Early life exposure to ambient air pollution and childhood asthma in China. Environmental Research 2015, 143: 83-92. (JCR Q1, Top 10%, IF=8.4)

64. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Cuiyun Ou, Weiwei Liu. Effects of early life exposure to outdoor air pollution and indoor renovation on childhood asthma in China. Building and Environment 2015, 93: 84-91. (JCR Q1, Top 5%, IF=7.4, 中科院一区)

65. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Chuck Wah Francis Yu. Characterizing ambient concentration of PM10 in urban environment of central south China. Indoor and Built Environment 2015, 24: 324-339. (JCR Q2, IF=3.6)

66. Chan Lu, Qihong Deng *, Chuck Wah Francis Yu. Strategies for reduction of episodic risk of PM10 by controlling industrial and traffic emissions of SO2 and NO2 and meteorological parameters. Indoor and Built Environment 2015, 24: 473-488. (JCR Q2, IF=3.6)

67. Chan Lu, Qihong Deng *, Chuck Wah Francis Yu, Jan Sundell, Cuiyun Ou. Effects of ambient air pollution on the prevalence of pneumonia in children Implication for National Ambient Air Quality Standards in China. Indoor and Built Environment 2014, 23: 259-269. (JCR Q2, IF=3.6)

68. 路婵,邓启红 *,欧翠云,刘蔚巍,Jan Sundell. 大气污染对儿童鼻炎发病率的影响.科学通报 2013, 58: 2577-2583. (EI A, 核心期刊)

69. Lu C, Deng QH *, Liu WW, Huang BL, Shi LZ. Characteristics of ventilation coefficient and its impact on urban air pollution. Journal of Central South University 2012, 19(3): 615-622. (JCR Q1, IF=4.4)

70. Qihong Deng *, Guangxing He, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Weiwei Liu. Urban Ventilation-A New Concept and Lumped Model. International Journal of Ventilation 2012, 1: 131-140. (JCR Q3, IF=1.5)


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1. 国际人工环境学会ISBEInternational Society of the Built Environment)会士Fellow

2. 湖南省预防医学会空气与健康专委会副主任委员


1. 国际学术期刊 BMC PediatricsSCI, IF=2.4)副主编、特邀编辑

2. 国际学术期刊 Indoor and Built EnvironmentSCI, IF=3.6)助理编辑、专刊副主编

3. 国际学术期刊 International Journal of Environmental Health ResearchSCI, IF=3.2)编委

4. 国际学术期刊Frontiers in PediatricsSCI, IF=2.6)客座编辑

5. 国际学术期刊 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthSCI, IF=4.614)客座编辑

6. 国际学术期刊 Building and EnvironmentSCI, IF=7.4)青年编委

7. 国际学术期刊 Building SimulationSCI, IF=5.5)青年编委

8. 国际学术期刊Preventive MedicineSCI, IF=5.1)编委

9. 国际学术期刊Preventive Medicine ReportsSCI, IF=2.8)编委


担任30余本环境科学、生态学、公共卫生、医学领域等国际权威学术期刊审稿专家,包括:3Lancet子刊 Lancet Planetary HealthLancet Regional Health-EuropeeBioMedicine, 国际呼吸领域权威学术期刊 European Respiratory JournalPloS MedicineJournal of Hazardous MaterialsAllergyEnvironment InternationalBMC MedicineScience of the Total EnvironmentEnvironmental Pollution等。


1. 国际室内空气质量与气候学会(ISIAQ)重要国际学术会议Indoor Air 2014”大会秘书。(201477-12日,香港)

2. 担任国际室内空气质量与气候学会(ISIAQ)权威学术会议Healthy Buildings Asia 2019”大会秘书长。(http://hb2019-asia.org/20191022-25日,长沙)
